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Saturday, September 10, 2011

What's A Graphic Novel About?

Hi everyone!

Today is Saturday and I'm HAPPY about it! No school until Monday!
Anyway today I wanted to fill you in on some updates. Arrow needs another fix up today and she will be posted. I am also going to do Lightrun.
I wanted to talk about what a graphic novel is about. A graphic novel is a graphic form! The novel has to tell a story as a novel would but you must graphics. It does make it a bit more complicated.
What's the point of a graphic novel? I think the point of a graphic novel is to engage the readers more. When there are snappy pictures and cool looking words, yeah! That will make more people want to read it.
So in creating a graphic novel, think about why you want people to read it. Good Luck!

Luv the Black Hearts!

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