NOTE: All of the images you see are mine, unless I saw other wise. Please do not copy my images and use them. Please.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Updating...Updating and School

Hi everyone!

School is coming up again real soon. I won't be able to post as much because of homework and blah...grrr. I am not looking forward to losing summer.
I am updating my characters, especially Arrow. She has a brand new look that is pretty cool. I can't wait to post her!
I am also looking at BBA YouTube movies and I am making a Black Heart Wolves YouTube that has all the characters drawn by me. And the Requiem for a Dream theme song. It will be cool.
As you can see, the blog look is updated to a more colorful look. I like this one much better. Give me feedback though!
Yesterday (as we hit the lucky 300 with this blog!) I was at a party to meet the new Youth Pastor of out church. It was soooo much fun. We went swimming in the lake and me and my friend Kara didn't bring our suits so we just went in with our clothes! It was great!
Anyway here's a pic of a BBA a wolf that I found. I like it.

Luv the Black Hearts!

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