NOTE: All of the images you see are mine, unless I saw other wise. Please do not copy my images and use them. Please.

Friday, August 19, 2011

New Ideas, Who's been by, Pack Update, and School

Hi everyone!

I decided today that I will talk about some important stuff today. First of all, I have been working on ideas already for page 2 of the comic. But these are just ideas and I still have not received any feedback on page 1. So it will be quite some time before page 2.
Second, I was checking out who's been by here and stuff and I was looking at the backlinks and YAY! This blog is pretty darn popular as it is appearing in Google searched related to anime wolves! And I was pleased to see that people were checking out the newest page. Hopefully they are getting pack ideas!
Alright this is not so important, but I feel I need to talk about it. My pack update. I have been updating my pack as much as possible but NOBODY views it! HELLO!! I spend time on that! So just to humor me, go to the page. You don't even have to read anything. :)
Now this is really important. When school kicks back in, I won't be on here as much so I may only post ONCE A WEEK or TWICE A WEEKS. Please don't give up on me. I really try to do as much as possible but when there's homework and stuff, it's not that easy. I will post when I can and somewhere in there expect comic page 2. But please don't stop viewing. Even if I don't have enough time to write, then I might post pictures and things. I will be on here.
I have been wanting to get someone who could help me here and there with my blog and now I decided that when school starts, it will be nice to do that. So I might introduce Jenna to this blog. She won't blog (except a welcome message) but when I can't be on here, she will check comments and stats. I can't wait for her to join this blog!
Thanks for reading my long, but important message!

Luv the Black Hearts!

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