NOTE: All of the images you see are mine, unless I saw other wise. Please do not copy my images and use them. Please.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hey Guys

Hey! I haven't been here in quiet some time. I check my blog every day, but sadly I have been consumed with Chicken Smoothie (best website) working on the comic and other stuff. So here are some updates.

We went to Florida way back in February. Instead of going to Lego Land like I said we would, we went to a zoo, rode a zip line 20 feet off the ground and saw wolves. Best day of my life :)

I turned 13 in March and got the best gift ever: A cell phone. My mom and dad put it in my Aunt's Kindle Fire box so I thought I got a Kindle Fire. Ahh excitement. Never gets old.

I am working on a new look for Arrow. The old look needs some tweeks and fixes so she is gonna be almost brand new. As for the rest of the pack, same old. Still working on character sheets.

Anyway, I changed my email so I want to change my blog. I'm gonna miss this old thing, but I don't want to have to switch back and forth. So, the new blog will be
I hope to see you there! *kisses old blog* bye bye!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Welcome Miraycle!


My cousin Raychel bought a new Siberian Husky puppy named Miraycle! Here are some photos! (Raychel's face is blurred out to respect her privacy)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

YouTube Series, Comic Issue #1 and Epic Arrow


In 3 long, horrible and exciting days, me, my mom and my brother are getting on a plane and flying a 2 hour trip to Florida. I can't wait!
Sorry I haven't been posting much. I got the Facebook bug...yuck. Now I can't stop playing Happy Pets. Oh well.
I am soooo excited because I am planning on BHW a YouTube video series. I need:
  • Voice Actors
  • Music
  • Background Noise (birds, splashing water, etc) 
Once I get these things, I can finally make my video. I need actors for all of the wolves except Arrow (me, duh). If your interested, please email

Comic Issue #1 is taking more time. Too much work and a sore hand. I'm thinking of taking a break for a while...or maybe not. Depends. If I can get more followers on this blog and more comments I'll be motivated again. It's all up to you guys!

In this Post title it says Epic Arrow. Well that's true. I will post it when this thing stops being stupid.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Character Sheets


I'm having a bit of trouble getting motivated. I know that I want to do this but school is a BIG problem. I really miss drawing so I am going to start back up on the character sheets. I drew a Nightstrike character sheet but...his muzzle needs fixing.
I went and saw Man on a Ledge today. I didn't like that movie at all. It was boring and had no point. I hope that I never have to watch it again...
February is coming up and I can't wait! Our school has a random week off in February and me, my mom and my brother all go to Florida. Last year we had a lot of fun.

Here's Nightstrike. I frown upon him for now xD

Monday, January 16, 2012

Facebook Page


In my last post, I put my Facebook page URL up. I would like it if you would be my friend and follow my BHW page. If you want to be my friend, please do the following:

Leave me a Friend Request
Send me a message with the word WOLF

I will accept you only if you do those.  Thanks!

Sunday, January 15, 2012



I drew a picture of my friend Madison's fursona Zen. She took an hour with around 32 layers.
My reference:
NOTE: I did not trace. I used them side by side as ref.
Hope you like it!


Monday, January 9, 2012

Black Heart Wolves Issue #1

Yes that's right! Issue #1 is currently almost at the finishing part. But we have a few issues...

1. I need a helper for backgrounds and junk like that
2. Would anyone like to do cover art?
3. Well, I dislocated my shoulder!

Those are my issues, two of which and easily be fixed. I am laid back thanks to that shoulder issue x.x and now I need someone to do cover art and background landscapes.
If anyone is interested PLEASE email

Monday, January 2, 2012

Tiwlight Run

Name: Twilight Run
Time: Hour and 30 minutes
Wolf: Glacier

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!


Well, this is the first post of 2012! I am excited for this year. In February, me and my mom and brother are flying down to Florida do visit my Grandparents. We go this every year, but this year we are going to Lego Land Florida!
I really can't wait! NOTE: Those pictures are NOT mine, click them for their links.
I drew another picture, my reference from a YouTube video. This was the first time I ever tried fur!
Please keep visiting my blog AND my websites:

Go Black Hearts!

Saturday, December 24, 2011



Merry Christmas, guys! As of noon today, out URL is If you visit here a lot, remember that!
I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas. Now here is a greeting from Lightrun!

Friday, December 23, 2011



If you come to this blog a lot, please note that tonight the new URL is
My new series of art is Jet Wolf Art. So now I will be adding the logo of Jet Wolf to my drawings.

If you are interested in creating a logo for Jet Wolf Art please, please enter!
Submissions must be in by January 4, 2012. Send all submissions to
No text at all
Must include a wolf (duh)
Must be small enough to fix in the corner of my drawings but still be visible.
The only text can be © Your Name because you created the logo IF YOU WANT

Winner will be given credit in each picture I draw
Winner will given a prize of their choice:
  • Warrior Cats: Battles of the Clan field guide
  • Arrow action figure (coming soon)
  • Comic book one (coming soon)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Blade Character Sheet


I am finally starting to do the character sheets for Black Heart Wolves. I did Blade now I have....a lot to go! *sigh* I guess that's the price I pay!

He looks pretty cool. I have been getting better. Lets demonstrate:
Then and now...HUGE difference! *sniff* That was the very first time I ever drew Arrow! *screams* SHE IS TERRIBLE! you see now? The one of Blade is better than this Arrow but hey! I get better with each drawing!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011



Sorry I haven't made a post yet...been very busy thanks to Christmas.
I have become an admin of a famous role play website called Wolf Mountain Rp. I am Kanri if you ever want to find me!
I am looking to make a Black Heart's website....just gotta have some friends join Weebly and publish a site so I can get Weebly pro! GRRR.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Falling Wolf


Sorry for not posting. I have been really busy and I have been drawing. I drew this one wolf and here he is:

I need a name for it....if you have any ideas, please leave a comment! I hope you like it. I spent plenty of time doing him!
Please leave a comment for a name!


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, this is the day! Thanksgiving is finally here and I am soooo happy!
I won't make a long post today, but I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving and have fun!

Go Team Black Heart!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Arrow Character Sheet


Here is the Arrow character sheet. It took some time and it is not PERFECT but it's cool.
So there it is! Please look at it but NO COPYING!

Go Team Black Heart!

YouTube Channel:

Updates on Anime


It's about time! My scanner finally is up! Now I can scan some of the things that I drew.
Lately, I have been sketching out a few pages EVERYDAY of the comic. (Mostly in school). So I can't wait to post them up here.
I have been doodling on my computer and drew a few cool things. I also made character sheets.
That's Glacier...isn't she pretty when she is mad? :)
So anyway...CAN'T WAIT FOR THANKSGIVING! I am drawing a cute Arrow Thanksgiving pic. I will post it here when it's done.

Go Team Black Heart!

Saturday, November 12, 2011



I have been watching The Adventures of Merlin. It's funny. I think I am going to do wolf characters! I have been quite intrigued with it.

That last has the movie thingy at the bottom but whatever. I took these pictures with Jing on Netflix. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Hi guys!!

Well, so I have been looking around YouTube to find some tutorials on how to use Gimp. It is really hard to use! I found some videos to check out:

Have fun!


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Shop Black Heart

Hi everyone!

I finally did the logo but due to Blogger's uploading issues, I can't share it. Darn.
Anyway, I want you to check out the new page, Show Black Heart. All T-shirts and other cool stuff contains the Black Heart Logo. Have fun!


Monday, October 24, 2011

WolfQuest Version 2.5 is OUT!

Hi everyone!

My favorite game, WolfQuest, just released the new version! I can't wait to play it! Click here to download the newest version!

Have fun!

Luv the Black Hearts,

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Comic Page #1

Hi everyone!

Yay! The new page 1 is UP!

It's a little light and sketchy but hey. It's a WHOLE lot better than the first one! Click it for a larger version.
Hope you enjoy!

Luv the Black Hearts!

Friday, October 21, 2011


Hi everyone!

This is Rider, Arrow's NEWEST brother! I didn't have time to color him but I did the color hex thingy.
Cool, huh? I spelled Bolts wrong! Blots! Lol!

Luv the Black Hearts!

New Characters = More work!

Hi everyone!

Well, I have been doing research and found this comic called Twilight Spirits. It HAD the potential  to be good, but the author quit. That just made me want to keep going. Trust me, I have!
I sketched the new Page 1 of the comic, but guess what? PRINTER IS FAILING ME!!! Stupid technology! (LOL)
So anyway, when my printer (and scanner) get back up, I will get to work on editing and all that. My trial ran out for Photoshop and I hate using other stuff!! I want Photoshop so badly, it's the only thing I want this Christmas!
Again, off track. I created a new character, well SEVERAL new characters: Rider, Dash, and Mika. Check out the pack page to view them.
I have been quite busy drawing those character AND trying to get a trial for Photoshop Elements so I can do a speedpaint on YouTube. I am also doing a Logo and when I get that down, I am opening a shop in Cafepress where you can get all kinds of BHW stuff.
I really hope that my printer gets back up!

Luv the Black Hearts!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Scyther, Glacier and Blade Modules

Hi everyone!!

I went and found this BBA Character Creator and I thought, COOL! I can do some of my wolves here. So here are three of them, more will be posted throughout the week.
That one is Scyther. He is the Elite Fighter Captain and later Arrow's mate.
That one is Alpha Female Glacier.
And finally, Alpha Blade.
So I think that is pretty cool. I am going to do more and maybe even create a character creator of my own!

Luv the Black Hearts!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Theme Song

Hey guys!

I am making a theme song for BHW. It will be sooooo cool! Also I wanted to note that the book Lila and Ecco's Do-It-Yourself Comics is REALLY great for starting out! Try it.

Luv BHW!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Model Wolves

Hi everyone!

I have a few model wolves that I am using to aid me in the creation of the BHW Trailer.
That is the wolf I am using for Blade. He is done by Kay Fedewa, author of the BBA comics. He is also the model for Raptor, hence the name above him.
Arrow is also appearing so this is her model :).
Glacier has her model. And that is Whitewind, or Lady Whitewind. Also done by Kay Fedewa. She is Glacier's permanent model, and again, that is the reason for the name.

There are plenty more but those are the main ones appearing.

Luv the Black Hearts!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Hi everyone!

I ma working on a trailer for BHW. I want to make it the BEST it can be! I have the songs already, "The Stone Table", and "The Kraken". I can't wait!
The first page of the comic is being revised so expect it soon. Thanks for the views btw!
I went over to me grandma's and got pics of my dog. I am really hoping to share them.

Luv the Black Hearts!

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Guardian

Hi Everyone!

This is a wonderful drawing of a wonderful wolf. So pretty! This was done by Nikki M. NOT ME.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Arrow Drawing

Hi everyone!

Pretty cool right? Not perfect but pretty cool!