NOTE: All of the images you see are mine, unless I saw other wise. Please do not copy my images and use them. Please.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Welcome Miraycle!


My cousin Raychel bought a new Siberian Husky puppy named Miraycle! Here are some photos! (Raychel's face is blurred out to respect her privacy)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

YouTube Series, Comic Issue #1 and Epic Arrow


In 3 long, horrible and exciting days, me, my mom and my brother are getting on a plane and flying a 2 hour trip to Florida. I can't wait!
Sorry I haven't been posting much. I got the Facebook bug...yuck. Now I can't stop playing Happy Pets. Oh well.
I am soooo excited because I am planning on BHW a YouTube video series. I need:
  • Voice Actors
  • Music
  • Background Noise (birds, splashing water, etc) 
Once I get these things, I can finally make my video. I need actors for all of the wolves except Arrow (me, duh). If your interested, please email

Comic Issue #1 is taking more time. Too much work and a sore hand. I'm thinking of taking a break for a while...or maybe not. Depends. If I can get more followers on this blog and more comments I'll be motivated again. It's all up to you guys!

In this Post title it says Epic Arrow. Well that's true. I will post it when this thing stops being stupid.