NOTE: All of the images you see are mine, unless I saw other wise. Please do not copy my images and use them. Please.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Sorry I was not posting! I was busy drawing. Upload pics later!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More wolves

My main characters for the Black Heart Wolves are the 4 sisters: Jay, Kaya, Silver and Comet. Last night, I drew Jay and Comet. I plan on uploading Jay later on today. Here is a little bit about them:
Jay: Jay is small, but she is the oldest. She is outspoken, but has nothing mean to say about any one or anything. Though she is tiny, she has a massive heart of pure gold.
Comet: Comet is lean and mean. She never smiles and ALWAYS has something mean to say, even though she doesn't say it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Found a Beautiful Anime Wolf!

I don't know who drew this wolf, but I find her very pretty. She inspired me to draw a new wolf, Dayshock. I found another wolf too. He inspired me to do Dayshock's brother, Nightwind.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Drawing Anime Wolves

It takes some practice to draw an anime wolf. First, you have to have a picture in your head or in front of you. Once you do, start drawing! Don't be upset if the drawing doesn't turn out. I have bad pictures too! Nobody can draw anything perfect right away. I'm sure the writers of the BBA comics didn't start out perfect. So go on and give it a try. Your drawings could become a graphic novel!

BBA Wolves

I am not a fan of the BBA comics (not at all) but I love the wolves. The pictures, that is. This wolf is a personal favorite. Her name is Tikiya.


I am not quite done with this picture yet, but it will be pretty cool.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Pack

I am working on my pack for the Black Heart Wolves. I haven't scanned or drawn any recent [pictures, but I will!